
My name is Peter Jaric and I am a developer. I have been working with programming for more than ten years, mostly with Java and JavaScript*. I also have become very interested in web application security.

Currently I am working on the central IT team at Uppsala University where I work with the web platform InfoGlue. I am mostly coding in Java, JSP and JavaScript.

On this blog I will try to share solutions to problems I encounter while programming, or while using computers generally.

Contact me at peter [at] jaric [dot] org or at Twitter: @peterjaric.

* Also JSP, C++, C, PHP, Perl, shell languages, J2ME, Python, Visual Basic, ML, Prolog, Scheme, Pascal, assembler and Erlang in roughly decreasing order.

4 thoughts on “About

    1. Hi Jeffrey,

      I am sorry, but I consider myself a whitehat. I hack things I am allowed to hack and I do it to help the targets. So I am afraid I’ll have to say no, but thanks for your confidence.

    1. Hi,

      Sorry for taking so long to respond. It looks like a great tool, I hope you get some time to turn it into a browser extension, that would be really handy.

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